Most of the time, real innovation isnt about a single moment of Eureka! It more often occurs over time, with small advances gradually added to larger ones.
Thats evident from todays selection of new outdoor gear, which includes several product drops from brands tightening their core focus. For starters, weve got updated Dyneema puffer jackets from British boutique Vollebak, which has been working on durable puffy jackets since at least 2019.
Six Moons Designs brings us a lightweight backpacking tent that actually looks comfortable, Cotopaxi once again shows us how its done with sustainable fashion, and KEEN has a hiker for those who want to wear comfy hiking shoes to the grocery store once theyre back from the backcountry. And, of course, weve got a sweet new flashlight for scuba divers. Welcome to the latest and greatest of Emerging Gear.
Nitecore DL 30 Dive Light
(Photo/Nitecore) Nitecore gets a lot of love from us GearJunkies, as weve been big fans of its EDC flashlights, like the tiny EDC33 or the MT2A Pro.
Now, the Chinese brand has unveiled the DL30 Dive Light. Designed for divers, its capable of submersible operation up to 100 m, Nitecore said in a release. A powerful LED output of 1,100 lumens and a 3-degree spot beam will penetrate up to 788 m.
A red auxiliary light is included to aid underwater photography by preserving night vision and reducing disturbances to marine life. A rotating magnetic switch allows for easy operation, even with gloves, Nitecore said. Constructed from aluminum with a corrosion-resistant finish, the DL30 is built to withstand underwater conditions.
Its rechargeable battery delivers extended runtimes, allowing for prolonged dives without interruption. Buy the light from Flashlight Go for $109, and learn more about it on the Nitecore website.
Vollebak Dyneema Puffers
(Photo/Vollebak) The British brand Vollebak makes some of the most high-tech — and expensive — outdoor apparel on the market. Its continuing that focus with a line of winter jackets made from Dyneema.
Weighing just 450 g (just shy of 1 pound), the jacket’s outer shell is reinforced with thousands of strands of Dyneema, a fiber up to 15 times stronger than steel by weight, Vollebak said. Its an update from the indestructible puffy that the brand first debuted back in 2019.
Available in black and khaki, the Ultralight Puffer with Dyneema is priced just under $1,000. A vest option ($800), offered in blue and black, uses the same advanced materials and construction.
Cotopaxi Contiguo Collection
(Photo/Cotopaxi) Youve got to hand it to Cotopaxi — its earned a beloved spot at the intersection of sustainability and style.
Thats clear from the new Contiguo Collection, which uses deadstock materials to create new designs. The Contiguo City Jacket, crafted from quilted deadstock fabric and available for both men and women, sold out just days after the Jan. 14 launch. But you can still find the Contiguo 22L Tote ($65), also made from durable X-Pac sailcloth deadstock.
And youll want to keep an eye out for additional 2025 releases for the collection.
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