In a surprise announcement today, German outdoor gear brand Jack Wolfskin confirmed it will wind down its operations in the U.S. and shut down its U.S. retail site by July 1.
A brand representative said that Jack Wolfskin will refocus all resources towards its robust European, EMEA [Europe, Middle East, Africa], and Asian business operations.
GearJunkie reached out to the brand for further information, but the brand was not immediately available for comment.
Jack Wolfskin Departs US Market Founded in 1981 in Germany, Jack Wolfskin built a strong foothold in Europe and Asia before entering the U.S. market. By the 20-teens, when the brand pushed into the American consumer lexicon, Jack Wolfskin was the largest outdoor brand in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, and one of the top three in China.
It became a mainstay at Outdoor Retailer during the trade shows peak years and ultimately took home GearJunkie Best In Show honors for its Tapeless Jacket 2.0 in 2023. Meanwhile, in Europe, the brand received recognition as a leader in sustainable practices and environmentally focused gear at ISPO, winning awards across multiple years between 2016 and 2023.
As recently as this year, Jack Wolfskin grabbed headlines as the key partner supporting Eric Larsens training academy and scholarships that focused on bringing more persons of color into polar exploration.
News of the shift away from U.S. sales was especially surprising, given that the German brand sold for $476 million to California-based golf giant Callaway in 2018. At the time, the move appeared to cement Jack Wolfskins value to the American market.
Its unclear exactly when gear sales within the U.S. market will stop. Jack Wolfskin currently owns spots in several of GearJunkies Best Of gear roundups, including Best Suitcases, Best Hiking Boots, Best Windbreakers, and more.
We will continue to update this story as details emerge.
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