Sierra: Summer Clearance
(Photos/Mountain Hardwear) Sierra hosts its Summer Clearance Event, offering even lower prices on active apparel and outdoor gear. The sister brand of T.J. Maxx, Sierra offers many outdoor brands at up to 65% off. Shoppers can find deals on swimwear, running gear, fishing equipment, and hiking supplies for the whole family.
Case in point: the Mountain Hardwear 30°F Lamina Eco AF Sleeping Bag Mummy sells for 54% off — just $109. If you dont mind a white sleeping bag, its quite the steal for a brand-new mummy bag.
For women, theres also the Mountain Hardwear 30°F Lamina Sleeping Bag Mummy.
Shop the Sleeping Bag Shop Full Sale DPS Skis: $300 Off Skis
(Photos/DPS Skis) DPS Skis kicks off its biggest preseason sale: Dreamtime. Known as the kickoff to the ski season, the Dreamtime sale offers some excellent deals on DPS skis and accessories.
To wit, you can get a pair of Carbon Wailer 100 skis for $999. If youve got a ski trip coming up, or youre just thinking ahead for next winter, this is a great time to get a new pair of skis.
Shop the Skis Shop Full Sale NESTOUT: 15% Off Bundle
(Photo/NESTOUT) The durable power banks from NESTOUT are some of the coolest Ive ever seen. The brand offers outdoor power banks, light accessories, and solar panels, all designed to be shockproof, dustproof, and waterproof. (Im currently testing these out, and I dont think youll be disappointed.)
Right now, NESTOUT is offering a bundle discount on Amazon: the 15,000mAh Power Bank, 4-Panel Solar Panel, and LED Lamp are 15% off, for a total price tag of $177.
Shop the Bundle Ballo: Up to 40% Off
(Photo/Ballo) Looking for some sweet new shades? Many of the bold styles of sunglasses brand Ballo are on sale now through July 31, in celebration of the companys 11th anniversary.
That means 40% off selected collections that wont be available again once the sale closes. Also, the products come in carbon-neutral shipping. There are plenty of cool, artistic designs to choose from, whether its the Olive/Peo shades (reminiscent of a leopard print) or the soft geometry of the Portia/Hutu.
Shop the Olive/Peo Shades Shop Full Sale Handup Gloves: Up to 30% Off
(Photo/Handup) Need a new jersey for your summer and fall bike rides? Handup has 30% discounts on many of its Summer Lite Long Sleeve Jerseys, from now until midnight on Sunday, July 28. Just use the code LS2024 at checkout.
I think the Rock Orange Jersey above looks pretty spiffy, but there are tie-dye and Pabst Blue Ribbon designs as well.
Shop the Rock Orange Shop Full Sale
Deals Hotter Than Your Driveway: Great Prices on RTIC, Mountain Hardwear, and Water SportsAmazon Prime Day may be over, but the summer deals continue! Don't miss out on these stellar July discounts from outdoor brands. Read more
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