Most runners experience this question at some point – just how fast should your legs be working for maximum efficiency? Wonder no more, as two-time 220 coach of the year Andy Bullock explains all you need to know about running cadence...
Running cadence, and its effect on efficiency, is an interesting area.
With running, the speed you move at is a combination of the distance provided by each propulsive action (i.e. stride) and the rate at which you repeat this action (turnover or cadence).
Generally, the most common number you’ll hear as a target is 90 strides per minute (or 180 if you count both feet hitting the floor).
However, there will be individual variation and it might be that 90 isn’t right for you. But that doesn’t mean a higher stride rate than your current one wouldn’t be beneficial.
Individual variation happens because of factors like leg length and strength, and those with longer legs may find themselves taking longer strides with a slower turnover, while those with shorter legs may find they run with shorter strides and a faster turnover.
One of the most important effects of increasing leg turnover is a shortening of the stride at the front of the action.
This, in turn, means feet hit the floor closer to your centre of mass, reducing the likelihood of a heel strike and, therefore, less injury risk. For this alone, it’s worth looking at.
As for increasing turnover and efficiency, some studies show that it actually results in higher oxygen use during running.
If you’re interested in increasing your leg turnover you can try running on a slight downhill or counting your strides over a 10sec period, and then simply trying to increase this number by one stride at a time.
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Increasing your run cadence is a proven way of becoming a faster runner. Biomechanical and run expert Ben Barwick of coaching outfit Full Potential reveals how to develop a swift stride rate
Your foot should strike the surface with the ball of your foot in a dorsiflexed (upwards) position, with your toes pointing forward not downwards.
The landing should be light, not heavy, before gripping and gently scraping the surface underneath you.
Think of your leg working in a circular motion from the hip joint. This brings the heel of your foot behind your body.
The hamstrings and gluteus maximus (bottom muscles) play a key role in this action. Your hips and waist must remain steady with little side-to-side movement.
Shoulders should be relaxed with arms bent at 90°. The motion should be from the shoulder not the forearms.
As the arm moves back, keep the 90° flexion. Hands should be held with the palm facing inwards not down. If you hold your hands in a fist, the thumb should rest on the forefinger.
What is a good running pace?
Run cadence: how to improve yours to gain extra speed
How should I warm up for a run?
Cadenceshould be a function of speed – the faster you want to go, the faster cadence needs to be – and you should aim to increase each level’s bandwidth (easy, threshold and 5km/10km pace) by 5-10%.
An easy-running 160spm, for instance, would rise to 168-178spm.
That’s why during speed sessions, focus on a quicker cadence and pushing off the ground with more force, so you’re developing both stride rate and cadence to go faster.
10mins easy
Gradually increasing speed throughout so your heart rate’s increased and a mild sweat has formed on your brow.
10mins at threshold
This is around 80-85% of your maximum HR and is known as the exercise intensity or blood-lactate concentration we can only sustain for a specific period of time. It’s about 25-35secs slower than 5km race pace and 15-20secs per mile slower than 10km race pace
90secs jog recovery
5 x 2mins at 10km pace with 60secs recovery
5 x 1min at 5km pace with 60secs recovery
10mins of gradually slower running
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