If you love outdoor gear, you’ll want to hear about The North Face XPLR Pass loyalty program. It’s a membership with plenty of perks, like access to exclusive gear drops, birthday gifts, and points earned on every purchase that can be redeemed for rewards. Best of all, it’s completely free to join!
Members-Only Sale: 25% Off Almost Everything!
Just in time for fall, XPLR Pass members are getting an exclusive 25% off nearly everything The North Face makes through September 23. Yes, you read that right — fall essentials, including items already on sale, are available online and in stores for a limited time.
The only catch? You have to be signed in to your XPLR Pass account to score these deals. Now, lets dive into some of the top products you can grab during this members-only sale.
Learn More About the XPLR Pass Gear Up for Fall: Must-Have Products to Add to Your Cart
Salty Lined Beanie Stay warm and stylish with the Salty Lined Beanie, a go-to choice for chilly weather. Lined with soft, comfortable fleece, this beanie delivers both warmth and a snug fit. The classic design pairs well with any outfit, making it a versatile addition to your fall wardrobe.
Mens Antora Jacket The Men’s Antora Jacket is built for versatility and protection against the elements. Featuring a waterproof, breathable shell, it provides reliable coverage during rainy hikes or everyday commutes. With a relaxed fit and adjustable hood, this jacket offers comfort and adaptability for all kinds of outdoor adventures.
Men’s Sprag 5-Pocket Pants Designed for those who blur the lines between city life and outdoor exploration, the Men’s Sprag 5-Pocket Pants offer both style and performance. These pants are made with a durable, stretchable fabric that’s water-repellent and abrasion-resistant. Perfect for hiking or casual wear, they provide comfort and functionality with a classic 5-pocket design.
Womens Arctic Parka For those cold winter days, the Womens Arctic Parka offers warmth and style in equal measure. It features 550-fill down insulation and a waterproof exterior, making it perfect for both snowy excursions and city commutes. The sleek design, complete with a removable faux-fur hood trim, gives you the flexibility to adapt your look while staying cozy.
Women’s Yumiori Full-Zip The Women’s Yumiori Full-Zip is the perfect lightweight layer for fall outings. Crafted from a soft, stretchable fabric, it provides warmth without restricting movement. The full-zip design makes it easy to throw on over your favorite base layers, whether you’re hitting the trails or heading out for a casual day.
Womens ThermoBall Eco Jacket 2.0 Stay warm and eco-conscious with the Womens ThermoBall Eco Jacket 2.0. This jacket offers synthetic insulation made from recycled materials, offering lightweight warmth even when wet. With a slim, athletic fit and a packable design, its a versatile choice for everything from camping trips to daily commutes.
Womens Aconcagua 3 Hoodie The Womens Aconcagua 3 Hoodie blends style and warmth effortlessly. Featuring a combination of synthetic insulation in the sleeves and 550-fill down in the body, it provides targeted warmth where you need it most. The sleek design and water-repellent finish make this hoodie perfect for layering during chilly fall days.
Its Time to Start Exploring If youre ready to take advantage of these incredible member-exclusive deals, nows the time to join the XPLR Pass program. With a 25% discount on fall favorites, this sale is a fantastic opportunity to upgrade your outdoor gear for the season ahead.
Dont forget to sign in to your XPLR Pass account to access the savings, available through September 23. And it goes without saying: Happy exploring!
SIGN UP FOR THE XPLR PASS This post is sponsored by The North Face.
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