For several years now, BioLite and Ombraz has spearheaded a one-day sale among climate-neutral brands — while slinging sweet outdoor gear. This year, 10 additional brands have signed on to offer discounts on stellar products through the Better With Friends Sale. From the water filters of LifeStraw to the armless shades of Ombraz, theres likely something on sale youll love.
All of these brands have been climate-neutral-certified. Basically, that means they actively measure carbon footprint and work toward reducing and offsetting emissions harmful to the environment. That mostly happens through tree-planting or support of other projects that offset carbon.
Participating brands include Ombraz, Ananday, Ibex, LifeStraw, Ornot, QEJA, Rumpl, Scrubba, Western Rise, and Wild Rye, but you can find the full list of deals at BioLite. Sale prices for most brands run 20-25% off, with some gear as high as 50% off.
Shop the Sale View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ombraz (@ombraz)
Ombraz Armless Collection As just one example of the deals on offer, all models in the Ombraz Armless Collection are available for $30 off, meaning you can snag a pair of these bad boys for just $130 instead of the normal $160 price tag.
These armless shades ditch the normally stiff arms for a stretchy cord designed to keep your sunglasses from being lost in the surf or falling off the side of a mountain (weve all been there, right?). The cord is also made from recycled materials.
Just use the code FRIENDS2024 during checkout to get this deal. Choose from five styles: Classic, Teton, Viale, Leggero, and Dolomite. There are also polarized and non-polarized options for the lenses.
Ombraz also claims to be a carbon-neutral business, planting 20 mangrove trees for every pair of glasses sold.
Rope Brand Becomes First on Market to Go Climate NeutralSterling — a climbing rope manufacturer — has achieved a pretty big milestone. Learn all about how Sterling is now fully carbon neutral right here. Read more
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