You've trained for months, honed your nutrition plan and tapered like a pro. But when it comes to triathlon race day you've forgotten your goggles/timing chip/run shoes/bike (delete as appropriate). Admit it, we've all done it.
But help is at hand in the form of the 220 Triathlon race day kit checklist. Here to replace that post-it note covered in scribbles is a tick box list with everything you need.
Of course, what you need will vary depending on what type of race you've entered. For example, if your race includes a pool swim as opposed to an open-water swim, you can leave the wetsuit at home.
Alternatively, if you're racing an Ironman, you may want to swap out the tri-suit for separate kit to wear for each discipline.
That being said, this checklist will be suitable for the majority of athletes and races, and there's even space for you to add any extras you need to take with you.
Click below to download your essential triathlon kit list and new race-day best friend...
If you'd rather just see the list on this page, scroll on down to see the full checklist:
Goggles (tinted and clear for different light conditions)
Swim cap
Lube to stop chafing of wetsuit
Heart rate monitor/watch if you're using one
Timing chip and strap
Bike shoes
Mini pump
Spare inner tubes
Bottle(s) pre-filled with your race drink
Jacket (optional dependent on weather and time of year racing)
Number belt if you're not using safety pins
Run shoes
Cap and socks if you wear them
Jacket (optional, dependent on weather and time of year racing)
Race registration paperwork and ID
Pre-race drinks or nutrition, pre-mixed and ready
Track pump to set tyre pressures
Allen keys and other tools to deal with last-minute bike adjustments
Safety pins for race number (if not using a belt)
Energy gels, bars or other nutrition for the bike/run
Warm clothing for post-race
Roll of duct tape and some cable ties (options for carrying nutrition0
A towel for transition
Post-race food
Money for day membership if you're not a member of British Triathlon
Bin liner to keep your pride and joy dry if racking up the day before a race
Toilet roll for pre-race portaloo nerves
Any medication (hay fever remedies, asthma inhalers and so on)
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